QuickCaption is a nationally respected, woman-owned, captioning company with decades of experience serving the deaf and hard of hearing (HoH) communities. After years of success, QuickCaption came to Modmacro for a minor rebrand, with the goal of bringing their logo and messaging upmarket to better …
Brand & Identity
A long-standing client of Modmacro, a physician in the San Diego area, was starting a new venture that would supplement his main business and came to us for help. He was launching the 10X Diet, a doctor-supported program with a simple weight loss formula that is designed to be effective and …
BiCoastal Organics
BiCoastal Organics came to Modmacro in need of a logo for their new company. They are a research, consulting, and education company focused on advancing organic food production and consumption, and needed an icon that would speak to the organic food industry, and to the fact that they operate from …