Email marketing continues to be a surprisingly effective means of engaging customers. And it’s much cheaper than traditional methods, like print and direct mailing. Plus, email marketing provides easy list management and extensive data about who opens your messages, what they click on and much more.
Whether you want to send company newsletters on a regular basis, or deliver on-demand promotions and announcements, we can help. Email marketing provides a unique opportunity to send targeted messaging directly to existing and potential customers.
Attractive, engaging emails continue to be a game-changing tactic for small businesses and non-profits.
We’ll help you develop an email marketing strategy that fits your needs and budget. For minimal budgets we’ll provide training and consultation, directing you on how to use the best tools to create, manage and monitor email campaigns yourself. But for most of our clients we can handle everything from conversion-oriented design and creation, to management and analysis. We’ll keep you informed, while you have the freedom to focus on running your business.