Boutique, Nonfiction Book Creation and Publishing for Business
We work with busy professionals who have stories that should be told. We collaborate with business owners who should have books, but who don't have the time to devote to learning the fine details of writing and publishing.
Whether you want a beautifully designed 10-page downloadable e-book to highlight one of your products or services, or you want to tell the history of your business through a full-length book, we can help. Every book we've worked on has been unique, and no idea is too big or too small for us to work with.
See Our Featured Books and eBooks"Matt and his team walked me through every part of the experience. They hit all of the deadlines, were realistic, and spent a lot of time explaining the pros and cons of my options. Today they remain just as readily accessible to me."
Every professional and every business has a story.
Our story is a simple one. We came together, a diverse team of writers, editors, and designers with years of experience in the publishing industry, because we love producing books. As professionals ourselves, we also know how challenging it can be to stand out when customers and clients have so many options. We understand how powerful a book can be for your business.
Books Strengthen Credibility
Books Showcase Expertise
Books Share Stories that People Latch Onto
Any Stage of the Book Creation Process
Just as every book is unique, every author is unique, too. We;ve had authors approach us with finished manuscripts that we’ve edited and published. We’ve also had authors come to us and say, “I know I want to write a book, but I don’t know what about.” We can work with that! We love helping people find their story. Some authors only need a small piece of what we do—some just need editing. Or cover design. Or writing assistance. Wherever you are in the book creation process, and however little or much you need, we will meet you there and make sure you get to the finish line.
Contact us today, we can’t wait to meet you and hear about your project!Founders have a story worth hearing. We'll share yours.
We transform great ideas into amazing books. Then we publish and promote them across various platforms in coordination with our network.