Have you thought about your perfect customer? When most businesses are just starting out, they would say that any customer is the perfect customer. After all, new businesses shouldn’t be picky. Or should they? For many small businesses, there’s something to be said for marketing to a very …
The Three Types of Media and How Modmacro Utilizes Them All to Benefit Our Clients
When it comes to digital marketing, there are basically three types of media we can leverage for your company: owned media, paid media, and earned media. For a comprehensive digital marketing campaign, all three are necessary on some level, and all three have their unique advantages. …
How Rebranding Brought a Renewed Focus to a Nonprofit Organization
At Modmacro, we get contacted a lot by companies and nonprofits asking us about logo design. Typically, their current logo is outdated, or they just don’t like it anymore and want a change. …