I was recently looking through the website of an Atlanta, GA marketing agency who does amazing work. They are a larger agency than mine, and they work with a different type of client, but they are highly regarded in the industry and often win awards at many of the same competitions that we do. So, I see them around quite often. While browsing their awards page, I was impressed to see their bold call-out sharing the fact that they win a marketing communications award every 14 days. Winning a prestigious award every 14 days is quite impressive!
Here at Modmacro, we win a lot of awards too. Many of them from the same international marketing competitions and web design awards organizations as the Atlanta agency. So that got me wondering, how frequently do we earn awards? I’ve never taken the time to look closely. So, I added up our awards to see how often we win them. Turns out, we win an award every 10 days.