Here’s the problem. Unless your website is hosted on a completely dedicated server, with no other websites, you may stop receiving email messages from your contact form(s) at any time. And neither you, nor your prospective customers, will know there’s anything wrong.
If any of the websites that share your server are “bad neighbors,” your entire server IP address will be blacklisted. Your website will still be online and everything will function correctly, but when customers submit their information into your contact form, you’ll never receive the email. That’s because your email provider (e.g. Gmail, Office365, GoDaddy, etc.) will block all emails coming from your own website. That’s what IP blacklisting does.
So, the customer lead you would have received actually ends up in a black hole. You don’t know a customer tried to make contact, and even worse than that, because the website is still functioning properly, it tells the customer that the form was successfully submitted.
This is becoming a very common problem. With some servers hosting more than 5,000 websites, it’s just a matter of time before you start losing leads.
Enter, the new service we’ve launched. It solves this problem and gives you peace of mind that you’re not missing valuable leads. 43Leads is a very affordable solution to a nasty problem. Other solutions exist, but they’re much more complicated and several times more expensive.
So, consider this. What’s the value of one warm lead? Just one.
Learn more about 43Leads or contact us to get started. You can also join our e-mail list for periodic updates and company news.