As a web design firm, Modmacro has submitted a good number of entries into the various design competitions out there. We’ve been recognized for our work in web design, content creation, branding, social media marketing and more. This time around, however, one of our own, Matt Smith, will be on the other side of competition—as a judge in the Vega Digital Awards.
Matt was selected to be a judge based on his years of professional experience in web design, and as an owner of an award-winning digital design and marketing firm. He will be judging entries in various web design, digital marketing and social media categories.
This is the inaugural competition for the Vega Digital Awards. This new competition “seeks to recognize and honor the outstanding performance, talent and effort of the best digital and creative professionals, web developers, web designers and web agencies around the world.” It derives its name from brightest star in the Milky Way galaxy: Vega. The Vega Digital Awards competition is associated with the International Awards Associates (IAA), which also administers the prestigious Muse Creative Awards.
Matt is looking forward to experiencing a design competition from another perspective and is excited to start the judging process, which will begin on December 1st. Award winners will be announced at the end of December on the Vega Digital Awards’ website.